being an empath and how to cope

Here I am at a children’s indoor playground, where little kids generally run amuck all over the place (AKA an Empath’s living hell). And it’s in the midst of this energetic chaos that I have the sudden urge to dive into this topic.

Crowd of people.

As an Empath triggered by large crowds, I suppose it’s not surprising that I would pick this moment to write about how to cope with empathic abilities.

Since Empaths easily (and most of the time, without control) absorb the energy of the people and spaces around them, they often find it difficult to distinguish their own feelings from those of others. It can be overwhelming, and sometimes debilitating.

Since the pandemic, a spotlight has been shown upon the importance of mental health and, as a result, the stigma of seeking help is slowly dissipating. Now, armed with the permission of society, many people are seeing themselves for the first time. They are finally paying attention to their minds and bodies, and learning how each reacts under pressure and when faced with extraordinary difficulties. Self-awareness is growing.

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the universe provides…

On Day 4 of my back pain, I could barely move.

I thought I was doing all the right things, and yet the pain kept getting worse.

From Rebecca Campbell's Work Your Light Oracle Deck

I pulled some oracle cards on the issue and the messages pointed to setting boundaries, letting go of what no longer serves me, and taking a break from the treadmill of life (AKA be still and be present).

My first AH-HA moment of the day.

It all makes sense. I had already figured that the Universe wanted me to slow down. That’s usually the message when something abruptly puts your life on hold. But I still felt like I needed to KEEP MOVING.

Ugh. Have I learned nothing from my minimalism journey?!

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are you feeling this shift?

I feel a weird bubbling up of something big underneath the surface. (Did anyone else just get that one Encanto song in their head?) Anyway, it’s exciting, even though I’m not quite sure what it’s about yet. But it gives me “new beginnings” and “#mondaymotivation” vibes.

It’s like that feeling right before you run a race. When you’re behind the line, lunged down, with your hands in front of you on the ground, and you’re just waiting for the cue to GO!

Not that I’ve ever been in a proper race, but ya know… when you’re all wound up and just ready. The only thing is that I don’t know what I’m ready for. I just know that I can’t wait, so I just need to DO.

Does that make sense?

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fun with numbers…

Do you have a favorite or lucky number? Or keep seeing the same ones everywhere you go?

Ever wonder if there’s a significance to them beyond their face value?

Certain numbers definitely have a special place in my heart and hold deeper meanings for me.

Shall we go on a little numerical journey together?

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the power of intention… (pt. two)

When you have a profound realization like I had in that car, it leaves a mark.

But of course, a miraculous recovery from years of self-destructive behavior is (most likely) not gonna happen.

So, what did happen?

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the power of intention… (pt. one)

As a child, I was told that I could “do anything I set my mind to.” It usually wasn’t far behind “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

So, in my kid brain, “setting your mind to something” translated to a big picture idea. Like, if I wanted to be a doctor or lawyer, and worked really hard, it would happen.

Whatever the “thing,” it was always somewhere far in the future, promising eventual graspability. Regardless, I took it to mean that anything was possible.

It took me years—decades—to realize that “anything” had actually been within my reach all along…

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good one, universe…

So, I just got a message from the Universe to practice what I preach.

You know how I know?

Because I spent hours writing a blog post. And then rewriting it. And then finding the right song to accompany it. And while looking for a photo to add…

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empath coping methods (collective devastation)

The U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has left many of us feeling A LOT. As an Empath, it’s hard enough managing our gift on a daily basis, let alone when our society suffers a massive blow. Since we naturally absorb the feelings and emotions of those around us, protecting ourselves from heavy energy takes active effort. So, how does an Empath cope with such a sudden collective devastation?

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flashback: january 2020

Sometimes, it’s fun to look back. And there’s no better time than on the night of a Full Moon. It’s at this phase in the cycle when you can clearly see how far you’ve come and let go of anything (with gratitude) that no longer serves you.

In honor of tonight’s special Strawberry Supermoon, let’s take this opportunity to throw it back…

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